Transparent encryption/decryption with ansible vault

Image credit: Life-Of-Pix

Transparent encryption/decryption with ansible vault

Michel Blanc bio photo By Michel Blanc Comment

Big Fat Warning


However, the method described here is WRONG. Check out next post instead !

Pain points

ansible-vault is handy. You can crypt your stuff before commiting it so your private stuff (AWS/DigitalOcean/… keys, passwords, …) don’t end up world-readable on GitHub.

However, it is too easy to decrypt your stuff, forget about it, and commit it without encrypting it back. It is also quite tedious to ansible-vault encrypt/decrypt all day long.


Raphael Campardou proposed a nice solution to prevent commiting ansible vault files.

In his solution, you have to name your files *_vault.yml so they get busted by a pre-commit hook if they are not currently encrypted.

This is nice: by naming your files appropriately, you can not commit them unless they are ansible-vault crypted beforehand.

I extended his idea so it can apply to any file in an Ansible repository, with very little configuration, and added a post-commit hook so files gets transparently decrypted after being commited.

Transparent encryption/decryption

The goal is simple: automagically encrypt the proper files before commit, commit them, then decrypt them afterwards so we can hack again without any manual intervention. All this with minimal configuration.

Marking file for encryption

The center trick is to find a way to mark a file for encryption. Modelines (a.k.a. emacs local variable lines) to the rescue.

To tell git hooks that a file requires encryption, we’ll add this line to the top of the file (or on line 2 if the file already has a shebang line) :

# -*- vault: true; -*-

Any file having vault: true in a modeline is set to require encryption before commit.

The icing on the cake is that you can use this modeline to set the filetype too[1], and help your editor to find out the proper file content, which is quite handy with some files not ending in yml:

# -*- mode: yaml; vault: true; -*-

This is supported out of the box by vim and Emacs. If you use SublimeText, you can use the STEmacsModelines package.

Using the hooks

The pre-commit hook will encrypt files marked with vault: true. If a .vault_password_hooks file is present in the project root directory, it will be used as the password.

If this file doesn’t exist, you’ll be promted for an encryption password and this password will be saved in .vault_password_hooks, in your project’s root.

If .vault_password_hooks is listed in .gitignore, this file will persist and you won’t be asked for a password anymore for encryption as well as for decryption. Otherwise, .vault_password_hooks will be erased after encryption to avoid commiting the file.

After commiting the files, the post-commit hook will use the same password to decrypt the previously encrypted files.

TL;DR: add .vault_password_hooks to your .gitignore, add # -*- vault: true; -*- to files that requires encryption and you’re set.

You end up with a workflow where your files are transparently encrypted before commit and decrypted after.


Put the hooks in .git/hooks/ and don’t forget to chmod +x {pre,post}-commit them.

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